Donna Del Oro spent her childhood in two places, Silicon Valley, CA and the countryside of East Texas, as her father tried several job opportunities. Finally settling in Silicon Valley, she grew up in a bilingual, bicultural world--Spanish on her mother's side and English on her father's. Comfortable in both worlds, she decided upon retiring from teaching to write about her Hispanic side. Four women's fiction books resulted and a series about professional singers, their careers and love lives. Retired and devoting much of her abundant free time to exercise, writing, singing and her grandson, Donna has finally reached a point in life that totally satisfies her. Life is good and she has no complaints, just a lot of gratitude for her many blessings.
What motivates Donna Del Oro the author? Why do you write?
Characters in my head want their stories to be told. Certainly, money doesn’t motivate me. Also, the need to be creative keeps me going.
When did you know you were a writer? Was it always your destiny or did you stumble upon your craft by accident?
I was thirteen and began creating my own comic strips.
What is your favorite genre to write and why?
I love the thriller genre because that’s the kind of book I love to read. Love all kinds of thrillers.
Is there a particular genre you haven't tried but what like to? What is it and why?
No. The romantic thriller is where I am right now and where I want to be in the foreseeable future.
How did you get into eBook publishing?
When I saw that eBook publishers paid more in royalties, I decided to give it a try. Also, I didn’t want an agent telling me what/how to write in order to conform to the “current market place.”
How many hours a day do you devote to writing? Do you have a set routine or do you write when the mood strikes?
This year, I have three books coming out and all my time has been spent promoting. Frankly—no offense intended--I hate this aspect of the business.
Is there a certain aspect of the story you begin with? Do you create the characters first or do you come up with the plot?
For my thrillers, I usually begin with an idea or theme that I want to convey in my story. The story and characters emerge from that theme. Like “Justice has a long memory” for my spy thriller, A BODYGUARD OF LIES, my recent release.
Tell us about the most intriguing character you've created.
Athena, my gifted clairvoyant in THE DELPHI BLOODLINE.
Who is your favorite author? And, if given the opportunity to meet them, what would you ask them?
Daniel Silva, the author of spy thrillers. I’d ask him, “What inspires you?”
What did you do when you found out your first book had been contracted?
I was happy, of course, but my print publisher turned out to be a shyster.
Has there been a person or influence in your life that has helped you reach your writing goals?
You can say, my sisters have been very supportive of my authorship. My husband, too, and my son and daughter.
Do you have any words of inspiration to aspiring authors? What advice would you offer a writer trying to publish?
Don’t let rejections get you down. Develop a rhinoceros hide, or get out of this business. And keep your day job.
Tell us about your current release.
A BODYGUARD OF LIES (release: Jan. 13th, MUSA Publishing)
Lady Justice has a long memory as FBI analyst Jake Bernstein investigates a suspected Nazi spy wanted for war crimes.
A BODYGUARD OF LIES is a riveting blend of romantic thriller, mystery and WWII espionage. A Jewish-American FBI analyst, Jake Bernstein, is recruited by MI-5 to go undercover and investigate a naturalized American grandmother. The elderly woman is suspected by MI-5 of being a notorious Nazi spy wanted for war crimes. Jake Bernstein runs into a series of complications: This spy knows a secret that could endanger the British royal family; his attraction to the old woman’s beautiful granddaughter; an Irish, neo-Nazi group tries to kill him; and all the while, a clever, cagey old woman stands in the way of justice.
Buy Link:available on,,, iPad bookstore
Do you have any upcoming projects in the works?
I’ll be writing a sequel to A BODYGUARD OF LIES and a sequel to my paranormal thriller, THE DELPHI BLOODLINE, coming out May 25 from Musa Publishing
Where can readers connect with you?
I love to hear from readers and fans. They can check out my website at:
or write me at:
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