Thursday, May 21, 2020

I'm a USA Today Bestselling Author!

Yesterday, I cried real tears of joy. If you know me, I don't cry easily. But, yesterday was an exception. I've been at this writing gig for nine years! In that time, I've written over 30 novels and short stories. I've contracted books with publishers but now I'm mostly a self-published author. I've spent years watching the landscape of my industry change, sometimes for good and sometimes not so good. I kept plugging away, learning new tricks, taking courses, and focusing on my craft. The books I wrote nine years ago are not necessarily the books I would write today, but they are part of who I am as an author. Why am I telling you all of this? 

Because after years of pouring everything I have into my books, dealing with rejection, building a readership, making some amazing friends, and having days where I wanted to throw in the towel this happened...

I became a USA Today Bestselling author, joining the ranks of so many authors I admire. I've wanted to write for as long as I can remember. This title doesn't define me as an author but it gives me a sense of accomplishment that I've earned. 

Thanks to all of you who have supported me with not only this release  but for all of my books throughout the years. If we've just met, I look forward to connecting with you. Today, I have a renewed sense of purpose and I truly feel like I'm just getting started!

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