After months of aching to be with grumpy Sheriff Connor Manning, Margarete Barrie finally gets her chance when a coyote shifter takes refuge in her home. She burns with need every time they’re close, but even she can only take rejection so many times before giving up.
Connor’s resolve to stay away from Margie weakens when she takes in his packmate. Fighting his inner animal and jealousy makes him question his decision to leave women and love alone.
They’re thrown together to catch a trapper or hunter threatening the pack. But once things start to heat up even the possibility of danger doesn’t cool the tension between them.
Series Teaser:
Coyote Bluff is a small, quaint town in the mountains of Virginia. With its diner run by Mama, the police force of one and a single stop light it's much like every other small town in America. Well, until you take a closer look.
Feel free to come visit Coyote Bluff... but keep an eye on the wildlife.
All Romance eBooks-
Author Bio:
Lea lives in Western New York with her hubby, three children, and miscellaneous critters. Before the rug rats, she lived a life of adventure, following her husband all over Europe with the US military. She's slept in a car outside Paris, drove six hours just to see tulips in the Netherlands, and knocked ash from her shoes at Pompeii. Now she spends her time in life's adventures at soccer games, PTA meetings and school plays.
Lea has loved reading from a very young age, spending many sleepless nights devouring books. Science fiction and paranormal were her favorite genres to read as a teenager, and that love bled into her adult life. She started writing during a bout of insomnia, to fill time, and found it filled a creative void. Now she communes regularly with the characters in her head and tries not to laugh out loud when they say something funny.
When Lea isn't reading, writing or corralling kids, she enjoys watching movies and sciencey shows, or just kicking back and listening to some music.
Twitter- @leabarrymire
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First kiss:
“You… you shot me.”
“I did.”
He was already listing to one side and she rushed forward to help me sit against a tree. “Because you needed to calm down. I need to look at this wolf and I can’t do that if you’ve got him all pissed off.”
His eyes drooped. She leaned down and kissed the lines of confusion between his brows. “I know. That’s why I gave him a little more than you. He’ll be sleeping like a cub in about two minutes.”
“Sorry about being mad. She called me that before she left.” Connor mumbled.
The slurred words had her ears perking up like a fox’s after hearing the squeak of a mouse. She. Margie squashed the questions bubbling up. Instead she turned, gathered her gear and slowly approached the downed wolf. In the back of her mind Connor’s words swirled. Someone had hurt him. Some female. A growl of her own laced with jealousy and anger vibrated in her chest.
Excerpt #1:
His gaze swung back immediately and she could see the resolve gleaming from the dark depths of his eyes. “Sorry, Margie. I don’t mean to worry you. I came by for two reasons. First I was going to check on Zeke, but as you’ve said he’s gone. I also wanted to know if you’d accompany me to Cammie and Ian’s mating ceremony on Saturday.”
Her mind froze. Mating ceremony. Go with him? Together? “Um.”
“You don’t have to, but I thought seeing I’d be driving by your house and you don’t know the way to the farm I could pick you up.”
The small flutter of hope died a tragic, fiery death in her chest. “Right. You’re going to be driving by anyway, and me, being a woman and all, might have a tough time following directions. I see.”
Something that sounded close to ‘stupid moron’ fell from his lips, too quiet for Margie to hear. It didn’t matter. She’s taken as much shit from the man she’d craved for over two years as she could take.
“Connor Manning. You will leave my property right now or you’ll be held responsible for my actions. I’ve had enough of your redneck, condescending, male-chauvinistic bullshit to last me a lifetime. I have a fucking GPS in my car and know damn well where the farm is. I’ve been treating you people ever since I moved here. Hell, Skip has a tab account now because I spend so much time out there. And anyway, Zeke already asked me if I wanted to go with him. You don’t need to take care of lil’ ol’ me.”
Excerpt #2:
A large circle had been created on the wooden floor with small grey stones. In the center candles flickered and cast soft light which illuminated a roughly drawn chalk wolf head. Soft music played along the edges of her hearing.
“This is beautiful.” She whispered, afraid to break the tranquility of the scene. She felt like she’d stepped into a druid ceremony.
Connor wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her toward one of the tables. When she could concentrate on something other than the decorations she noticed they were some of the last people to sit. Each table had four seats with champagne bubbling in tall glasses. Almost everyone from town was in attendance, but that made sense with the number of folks in Coyote Bluff being of the shifter persuasion.
Margie opened her mouth to ask Connor something but he pressed a finger to her lips and lightly shook his head. He pulled out a chair next to Zeke and ushered her into it. He quickly slid into the last open chair at their table. He leaned into her shoulder and pressed his lips to her ear. “Just watch. I’ll answer questions afterward if you have any.”
Excerpt #3:
Margie couldn’t help the giggle which escaped her lips as she rounded the corner of the doorjamb. To have Connor whistle at her like that, and so loudly, as well as leave his scent all over her was too much to hope for. Her heart soared. He really was claiming her, and wasn’t being quiet about it.
“Damn, girl. You stink.” Ian’s voice carried from deeper in the barn and the sound of something solid hitting him let her know Cammie was there.
“Shut up. You can’t tell her she stinks. God, you’ll give her a complex.” Cammie’s words were punctuated with smacks to Ian’s arm.
“Fine. Ow. Stop hitting me, woman, or I’ll turn you over my knee.” He growled a little at his wife and she blushed. Well.
Margie laughed. “Look at you two. Married and already bickering.”
Cammie raced over and clamped tight arms around Margie’s waist. Her friend whispered, “I’m so glad he’s finally come around and accepted the truth.”
“Yes, he has and I’m so glad everyone needs to keep reminding her about my issues.”
Connor’s growl had everyone spinning, and most of the people standing around looking off, scuffing their shoes in the dirt of clearing their throats. Margie wanted to laugh, but then again, what was the fun in allowing him to get away with being gruff with all of his friends. Even she could sense the unease.
Excerpt #4:
With a twist of her hips, and a satisfied smile, she flipped Connor to his back. Climbing on top of him and settling her already wet pussy on his cock gave her the chills. His shaft was hot against her wet folds. Each wiggle of her body rubbed the mushroom head against her clit. “Mmm. This is better.”His eyes had closed for a moment but when she spoke they opened again. Half-lidded and lust-filled was a perfect look on her sheriff. She gave her hips a circle and ground down on his pelvis. A growl had her grinning. With light tickling fingertips she tiptoed up his stomach, loving how his muscles bunched and fluttered under her touch, she worked her way up to his chest. While she tortured him she continued rocking against his cock, rubbing his hot shaft through her folds and the head of his dick against her clit. She wanted to come with him deep inside her, but it felt so good to have his silky hot penis nestled within her pussy.
“What are you doing?”
She smiled. “What does it feel like? I’m rubbing on you, and in a few minutes I’m going to ride you.”
Chapter one- free read:
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