Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Taking Flight with Tabitha Rayne

I'm thrilled to have my fellow Beachwalk Press author Tabitha Rayne here with me today!

Thank you SO much for having me over to talk about my new book Ella.

We both write for Beachwalk Press and one of my favourite things is that it is a truly international press. For example, in how many other careers can you be writing alongside someone just down the road and the next minute, chatting to a colleague in Australia or America... isn't that right Ms Jade? I'm always asking my fellow Beachwalkers what time it is where they are – I'm fascinated by it. And quite often scold them if I know it is the middle of the night where they are and they're still up working. It's a bit like, “Oh how lovely to talk to you – now shut the laptop and get to bed!” 

The subtle differences between common languages is another source of entertainment. This book Taking Flight is a re-release and had to be translated into US English – what a hoot! Do not even ask about the word 'frig'... and where my editor had no idea what hessian was, - I had no clue about burlap... Google translate and Wikipedia have been used many times in this book ;) 

So here's a little snippet where my leading couple have spent their first night together on the run in the forest... 

Deborah woke up shivering and aching. Dawn was softly creeping in, misting the black night into a hazy blue. She sat up rubbing her legs and arms, trying to beat some warmth into her damp bones as the dawn chorus roared in her ears.
“What a bloody noise,” she said to herself, staring up into the treetops in an attempt to see the source of the incredible sound.
Chirping, whistling, tweeting birdsong surrounded them, but the birds were completely camouflaged by the forest. It was a loud, yet eerie way to start the day. Deborah had been so absorbed that she had, for a moment or two, forgotten where they were or why. Memories of the banging and running flashed before her, and she hugged her knees up to her chest, looking over to Marcus. His forehead was creased in a soft frown that twitched at the noise of the loudest tweets. She wondered what he was dreaming about. What did the birdsong conjure in his sleeping brain? She didn’t really want to disturb him, but he had all the blankets and coats tucked around and under him, looking decidedly snug compared to her.
“Move over, blanket hog,” she said, nudging him and tugging out some of the covers.
He stirred and blinked open his eyes, looking pale and tired. 
“My head…” He rubbed his temples and flopped back, rolling to the side a little to let Deborah cozy in beside him, trying to steal some of his warmth.
The blankets were damp, and Deborah knew how stupid they’d been not finding a proper place to bed down—or at least use the sheet of plastic they’d brought as a barrier against the dewy earth. It had got light very quickly and while she could do with another five hours’ sleep, Deborah was pleased to see dapples of sunshine breaking through the branches. At least they would be able to dry off when the sun rose properly. For now, though, she tried to content herself in the crook of Marcus’s arm and listened to morning break.
They must have fallen into a deep sleep, because the next thing Deborah was aware of was a shaft of sun beating right onto her face, almost burning her. She turned away, blinking, and guessed by the angle of the ray that it must be late morning. Marcus woke too, looking a little better than before.
“I’m so thirsty,” he croaked, fumbling with the bag that contained their emergency supplies. “Oh God, tell me we packed water.”
Deborah could see panic rise in his face. She took the bag from him, finding the canteen and passing it over. He took a good, long glug and passed it back. Deborah tipped her head and let the water run into her mouth, savoring the feeling of absorbing every drop, refreshing her like an elixir.
“Do you think we’re far enough into the forest?” she asked, raking her fingers through his tousled hair, picking out bits of leaf debris.
“I’ve got no idea,” he said and smiled for the first time. “We could be right back where we started for all I know.”
“You don’t think they’ll track us with dogs or anything like that, do you?” Deborah had read stories of men who had tried to escape their duty at the manors being rounded up by packs of sniffer dogs and brought to justice. The thought chilled her and she suddenly felt vulnerable and emotional. “What the hell are we doing here?” She sank back beside him, hiding her face in his chest, and he stroked her shoulder.
“Oh, come on, we always knew this might happen. They’re not going to send any dogs out to find us.” He ruffled her hair and kissed her lightly. “We’re not important enough for that. I’m infertile, remember?”
The speech did little to reassure her. Her blood ran cold with the realization. “But I am. I’m important. They’ll come looking for me.” She lifted her face to his. “As long as you’re with me you’re in danger.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He pressed her head back onto his chest and cradled it there. “We’re sticking together whatever happens, so don’t get any stupid ideas.”

The prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly
Genre(s): Futuristic Erotic Romance

Lovers on the run in search of a bond that transcends all else.
Dr. Deborah Regan is a scientist working on a cure to the poison that's killing the male population and destroying the natural world. But when she makes a breakthrough in her research, it becomes clear that the authorities have no intention of finding a cure, and now that she's getting closer to an answer, she's a threat to them—a threat they need to deal with quickly.
Deborah and her partner, Marcus, flee to the forest where they meet another couple on the run. Birch and Hazel show them how to survive in the wild and teach them the theory of ultimate unity. They believe that by finding sexual nirvana at the point of intense orgasm, they will break through the barriers of physicality and become one.
It soon becomes apparent that Deborah has an aptitude for falling into this trance-like state, and she manages to bring Marcus on her journey. Their spirits can indeed join together at the meeting point, suspended in time and space while they climax.
When Birch and Hazel become jealous of the young couple's ease at reaching ultimate unity—something they've unsuccessfully tried to do for years—they betray Deborah and Marcus to the authorities. As they are separated, Marcus begs Deborah to continue to search for the ultimate sexual unity, because he's convinced that no matter where they are, this connection will allow them to meet again on a spiritual plane.
Will this metaphysical union be enough for a couple so deeply in love?
Content Warning: This book contains apocalyptic peril and graphic sexual content, including m/f and f/f sexual interaction, along with BSDM
Note: This book has been previously published.

Tabitha Rayne has been told she is quirky, lovely and kinky – not necessarily in that order or by the same person. She writes erotic romance and as long as there’s a love scene – she’ll explore any genre. 
Her short stories are included in anthologies from Cleis Press, Ravenous Romance, HarperCollins Mischief, Xcite, Oysters & Chocolate, Burning Books Press and House of Erotica. Her novella, Mia's Books won a Reader's Choice Award with TwoLips reviews. Taking Flight is the second book in The Clockwork Butterfly trilogy from Beachwalk Press.
Tabitha also has a passion for art and takes great pleasure in painting nude ladies.

Ella and I were among the first to be published by Beachwalk when it opened it's lovely doors 3 years ago! There will be birthday fun so check back on the Beachwalk site to find out more x x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting this book Ella - I'm looking forward to being part of your party! x x
