Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Hop

My fellow Beachwalk Press Author Pepper Anthony tagged me in the "My Writing Process" Blog Hop.

Pepper and I have been writing for Beachwalk Press for a little over two years and have enjoyed wonderful experiences with the press. She has two books with them and one coming out later this year. You can learn more about Pepper here...

My Writing Process...

What are you working on at the Moment?

I'm currently working on the sequel to my popular novel The Weekend Proposition. This book focuses on Tyler Cannon, the brother of the hero in The Weekend Proposition. I'm excited to share this book because not only do I get to tell Tyler's story but readers get a chance to see how Spencer and Coda are doing. I plan to have The Weekend Surprise to my editor by the end of the month.

How Does Your Work Differ From Others in the Genre?

I try to step outside the box whenever I get a chance. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't but at the end of the day I tell the best romance I can.  My characters have depth. I want the reader to connect with them. I think it's important to create a backstory for them and help the reader understand why the characters act the way they do. I want to create a connection that stays with you long after you read the last page.

Why Do You Write What You Do?

Growing up I loved to read romances. The spicier the better but many left me wanting more. I didn't want the door shut in my face when they hero and heroine were getting to the good part. Not every book calls for explicit sex but leaving the bedroom door open helps the reader connect with the characters. I like to deepen the connection and what better way then to write about how they love one another in a physical way ;)

How Does Your Writing Process Work?

I've been writing my whole life. The plots and dialogue play out in my head like a movie. The ideas are constantly forming. I just go with it. There are times when an idea is in my head for years, growing and manifesting into what you see on the pages. When I sit down in front of the computer the words flow because I've given hours and hours of thought before I begin.

1 comment:

  1. I am so enjoying reading these Writing Process Blog Posts. The wonderful wealth of experience and creative nurture, along with the thought processes and ideals inherent, have been both educational and enlightening to this Investment Banker turned Author over the last two years... Thank You for sharing here Ella...
