Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing in the New...

What a year!

If you would have told me this time last year I'd have four published books under my name by year's end, I'd have said you were crazy.

My first book, Jocelyn's Choice, wasn't contracted until April and after that things really took off. I'm extremely grateful and appreciative to be contracted with two really awesome publishers. They've been supportive and patient as I learn the industry. My editors have been fabulous. They've kicked my writing into shape and helped me eliminate more than a few bad habits (sorry ladies, we still have a few more to beat into submission). And, then there are the friends I've picked up along the way. You guys have been wonderful. Some of you follow me from blog post to blog post and chat to chat. I appreciate your support.

Now that I've been bitten by the publishing bug, I promise 2012 will be a very productive year. I already have a release scheduled for March.

I do have a resolution though... we all have room for improvement.

I need thicker skin. lol The review process is the hardest part for me in all of this. I've been treated to some really nice reviews, emails and comments. It's the critical ones I need to handle a little better. I've always been a sensitive soul. I know we all have a need to grow and develop in this writing journey. So I'm going to continue to work at my craft and take constructive criticism to help me become a stronger writer. I'll  respect the opinions of readers and reviewers, but I'm resolving to take them for what they are...opinions. Not everyone is going to like everything. I just have to learn how to let it roll.

I wish you all a happy, safe and healthy 2012.

Happy New Year!

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